Grant: £16,910


Success Criteria Impact


PE Scheme

  • Teachers to be upskilled and knowledgeable to deliver high quality PE lessons with good or better outcomes.
  • Teachers and pupils can make accurate and progressive assessments about progress against individual targets.
  • Teachers are confident and competent to assess learning and to make adaptations as required to avoid misconceptions or missed learning. PE will be well planned and resourced, and delivered consistently across the whole academy.


CPD for teachers and PE Lead

  • Teachers and the PE Lead will be knowledgeable about key considerations and best practice to inform their delivery of the PE scheme, the National Curriculum and associated activities.



  • Multi-sport resources for teachers to be able to deliver the National Curriculum PE in full for all year groups.
  • Pupils will have the correct equipment to maximise learning and outcomes.


All inclusive and
invite only clubs

  • Reluctant pupils will gain confidence to try more sporting activities. Pupils who demonstrate particular talent in a sport have greater opportunities to excel.
  • Build self-esteem and confidence
  • Pupils with a particular sporting expertise will be able to pursue success beyond the school experience.


Travel to and participation in competitive events

  • Pupils across the academy with a range of skill sets and needs will access enrichment activities and events to support the PE curriculum, learning and developing individual skills and success.
  • All pupils will know how to prepare for competitive events and to manage emotions and actions to be successful.


National Curriculum Swimming

  • Ensure all children leaving Y6 can swim at least 25m. Swimming lessons take place for Years 4, 5 and 6 each year.Support is offered to eligible families. Lessons take place at Mote Park Swimming Pool.


Total Income


Total Expenditure


PE Scheme

  • Teachers to be up-skilled and knowledgeable to deliver high quality PE lessons with good or better outcomes.
  • Teachers are confident and competent to assess learning and to make adaptations as required to avoid misconceptions or missed learning support the narrative.
  • Teachers and pupils can make accurate and progressive assessments about progress against individual targets.



  • Multi-sport resources for teachers to be able to National Curriculum PE in full for all year groups.
  • Pupils will have the correct equipment to maximise learning and outcomes.


All inclusive and invite only clubs

  • Reluctant pupils will gain confidence to try more sporting activities.
  • Pupils who demonstrate particular talent in a sport have greater opportunities to excel.
  • Build self-esteem and confidence.
  • Pupils with a particular sporting expertise will be able to pursue success beyond the school experience.


Travel to competitive events

  • All pupils will know how to prepare for competitive events and to manage emotions and actions to be successful.

Petrol and hire of minibus/taxi hire

Total Income


Total Expenditure

£16,500 – £18,050